Ocean Offshore Marine India Huet Hlo H2s hla Training Mumbai
Nov 28th, 2024 at 13:09 Learning Kolkata 22 views Reference: 66343Location: Kolkata
Price: Contact us
Ocean Offshore Marine India
Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO passenger vessels as per IMO.
Rig Contingency Plans will describe the actions, relevant for the type of vessel and equipment used, to take in the event of a calamity on board a vessel. One of the topics covered is the emergency procedure/ plan of rescue and treatment of casualties, including the use of FRB’s.
The emergency procedure will describe initial actions to take by the Master, FRB coxswain and crew before, during and after launching a FRB. Another topic will be the rescue, treatment of and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. Crew needs to be trained accordingly and the procedure/plan will be revised when there are changes in legislation or best practices.
Target Audience Fast Rescue Craft
Marine crew working in offshore fields and those taking up jobs on RO-RO passenger ferry.
Contact for the offshore course booking of, BOSIET,HUET, FOET,H2S, HLO, FRC now in India . Email- [***] [***]